Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mario super mushroom nails!

I love sitting around playing old school video games!!! Mario is my favorite! So here are some nails that I am sure will strike up quite a few conversations! :-)


Colors you need:

Polish remover

Start off with a cream coat.

Now as you can see in my pictures I just painted the bottom part of my nail red as if it were supposed to be a French. After looking at my nails I noticed that in order for it to really look like a mushroom I messed up. Instead of the tip facing the normal manicure way it should have been opposite. I'll put up pictures as an example.

Next, on the cream top part make two small white dots. This will be part of the eye so keep it small

Dip your tooth pick in black and just fill out the top part of the eye.

Next using white again, make one larger oval in the middle of the red and two smaller ovals on each side.

Finish off with a top coat. and remember to let your nails dry in between each layer!!!!

Here is where you can see what i was talking about the reverse french tip. here is how all the tips should look so that they look like little mushrooms!!!!

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